G 20 Material

G-20 (group of developing and developed nations/ Major Economies)

ü  1999.
ü  Group of 20 Finance Ministers & Apex Bank Governors 
ü  Objective: to bring together the developed and developing economies.
ü  First summit was held in USA in 2008
ü  9th Australia in November 2014.
ü  10th summit was held in Turkey (Antalya).
ü  The French President Francois Hollande did not attend the summit and Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was sent .
ü  11th summit will be held in Hangzhou (China)
ü  In the year 2018 India will be hosting the summit. This will be the first in India
ü  2016 summit will be the first summit to be held in China
ü  The group's chair rotates annually among the members and is selected from a different regional grouping of countries.
ü  All 19 countries are divided into 5 groups and each group is with a maximum of 4 members
ü  The guest list also includes Spain, Chair of ASEAN, the chair of the African Union and New Partnership of Africa’s development,
ü  No permanent secretariat and staff. In 2010 France suggested for setting up of secretariat in the lines of UNO. It was supported by Brazil and China but opposed by Japan and Italy
ü  The incumbent country established a temporary secretariat
ü  May be set up in Paris or Seoul.
ü  South Korea proposed for Cyber Secretariat.
ü  Troika: This is a group of three chairs (Past, present and future).
ü  The Troika ensures the continuity of the work

ü  Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UK and US.
ü  B 20 summit (business leaders) was held in Sydney in 2014 and Turkey in 2015
ü  C 20 summit (Civil Society leaders) was held in 2014 in Melbourne
ü  T 20 Summit (Think Tank) summit was held in 2013 in Moscow. Later it was not held

The primary focus of G20 is global economic governance
G20 consists of 2/3rds of World population

Role of India and China in G20:

ü  The Asian Development Bank located in Manila, Philippines predicted more significant role in global economic governance in future
ü  Both the nations including other Asian countries would work for balanced and sustainable growth through strengthening intraregional trade and also stimulating domestic demand.


ü  USA, UK, Russia, France and China are NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) Nuclear Weapon States
ü  Germany, Italy and Turkey are the nuclear weapon sharing states (other nations out of G20 are Belgium and Netherlands)
ü  India is a NWS but it’s a non signatory of NPT


ü  The under representation of African nations was criticized
ü  Providing observer state status does not satisfy the members
ü  The decisions of the G20 may affect the global economy. It was expressed by Singapore in UNO
ü  No charter
ü  No transparency
ü  No Accountability
ü  Expenditure for the host country is a serious issue as it needs to provide a high security because of threat from terrorism and protestors (This is seen in Antalya too)

ü  More members must be included
ü  Economic Security Council (ESC) should be established with in UNO. This works like an alternative to G20
ü  And the members for ESC should be elected by UNGA based on their importance of World economy
ü  Members must provide high  contributions for the World economic development


ü  Just before the Antalya summit there was an attack on France
ü  Russian military action in Syria is increasing the number of refugees trying to reach Europe. This is said by European Council President Donald Tusk.
ü  The G20 summit of world leaders is primarily focused on economic matters, but the two-day meeting in the coastal province of Antalya has been overshadowed by the deadly attacks in Paris
ü  This took the centre state in G20 summit
ü  IS announced that it was behind the attacks which led to the loss of 129 lives
ü  This is the time that USA and Russia should work together against IS and not separately
ü  There are doubts on the intentions of Russia. It should act against IS and not against moderate opposition
ü  IS controls larger areas of Syria and Iraq
ü  During the summit the Secretary General of UN Ban Ki Moon said that he will soon present to the member states a comprehensive plan to prevent violent extremism
ü  The US President said that it was an attack in the civilised World